
Promoting EU deli meat around the world

Published: 30/06/2021

As part of our #FoodFuture project we’re asking how we can deliver truly sustainable food systems. We’re listening to farmers, consumers, policymakers, businesses, NGOs, academics and others. By listening and working together, we will create a better future. This month we’re looking at the EU’s Promotion Policy and we spoke to the Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the European Union (CLITRAVI) to tell us more.

The European meat processing industry fully supports promotion measures, these precious instruments that help to open up new market opportunities for fantastic European produce, as well as helping EU farmers and food processors to grow their businesses.

The European promotion policy is essential to increase consumer awareness of EU agricultural products and to boost the competitiveness of EU agricultural products in the EU and around the world.

Here are just two great examples of the promotion policy at work from the meat processing sector:

EUCharcuterie Canada

The deli meat market in Canada is widely dominated by the US, which accounted for 90% of the market in 2017.

However, the signing and the coming into effect of the EU-Canada trade agreement (CETA), in 2017, offered new advantages to European producers wishing to enter the Canadian market.

In 2018, the European Commission joined forces with FICT, the French charcuterie association, to co-finance a promotion of their products in Canada. Promotion included participation at trade fairs, a strong media presence through several channels, and store promotions.

The aim was to increase the market share for EU charcuterie products, as well as increase general awareness of European products among trade professionals.

Now sales of European charcuterie in Canada have improved and Canadian consumers show a greater recognition of the high EU standards in both safety and quality.

Enjoy the authentic joy from Europe

“Enjoy the authentic Joy” is a promotional project in Italy and Belgium for traditional premium Italian deli meats with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).

The project is led by three consortiums – the Consorzio Zampone e Cotechino Modena IGP, the Consorzio Cacciatore Italiano and the Consorzio Mortadella Bologna – and it is co-funded by the European Union.

The aim is to contact the maximum number of consumers to improve their knowledge on PDO and PGI products and increase their mindful consumption of meat, promoting the concept of “less, but better”.

The project is fully in line with the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, with consumers encouraged to consume good processed meat in the right quantity, alongside wholegrains and vegetables, all within a balanced diet.