GBfoods mission is “Enjoying together around good food”.
Food is part of our daily lives, present when we meet our family or friends and when we celebrate special moments. Food is an essential part of GBfoods identity.
GBfoods initiated in 2016 the “Be a Foodlover” project, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle for everybody, by increasing the awareness among our employees about healthy and nutritional choices as part of a daily, varied and balanced diet.
“Be a Foodlover” started with an interactive online training, offering an exciting journey through the fascinating world of food that helped us to transform more than 500 GBfoods employees in true foodlovers around the globe. In parallel, GBfoods offers cooking classes to put in practice the acquired knowledge and learn to cook tasty plates, with healthy ingredients and balanced portions.
For the coming years, more initiatives will be offered to make sure that all GBfoods employees enjoy together around good food and increase a healthy lifestyle.