In 2012, the leading global producers of beer, wine and spirits made a collective commitment to build on their long-standing efforts to reduce harmful drinking through the Beer, Wine and Spirits Producers’ Commitments.
In recognition of the serious effects that the harmful use of alcohol can have, these producers wished to demonstrate their support of international efforts to improve health and social outcomes for individuals, families and communities through a set of Five Commitments over five years from 2012-2017.
Commitment 1: Reduce underage drinking
6m underage individuals have been reached with education programmes and materials via face-to-face interactions between 2015 and 2017.
Commitment 2: Strengthen and expand marketing codes of practice
97% of IARD members’ contracts with advertising agencies in 2017 specified that they had to comply with IARD responsible alcohol advertising codes.
Commitment 3: Providing consumer information and responsible product innovation
65% of products, of the seven signatories reporting by brands, carried symbols or words warning against harmful drinking in 2017.
Commitment 4: Reducing drinking and driving
347 signatories operated an average of 347 drink driving prevention programs each year between 2014 and 2017.
Commitment 5: Working with retailers support to reduce harmful drinking
Local responsible retailing initiatives have been rolled out in 68 of the 110 countries, a 66% increase between 2014 and 2017.
Although the five year period has come to an end, producers remain committed to continuing the spirit of the Five Commitments.
IARD members are actively considering what further initiatives can be undertaken collectively to reduce the harmful use of alcohol. To inform their future actions they will seek to listen to the views of key stakeholders through a facilitated dialogue – including governmental and non-governmental leaders, academics, the public health community, and industry representatives – and discuss how producers can continue to support global efforts to combat harmful drinking.