
Kellogg Company: Kellogg’s OriginsTM Programme

Kellogg’s OriginsTM Programme

Published: 04/01/2017

Kellogg’s Origins™ Programme starts in the field, where its ingredients are planted and grown. This Programme helps farmers focus on climate smart agriculture to improve crop performance, while optimising the use of natural resources, and improving their livelihoods.

In Spain’s Delta Del Ebro thousands of yellow iris have been planted to help protect the dykes in the flooded rice fields. As many as 70 bat boxes, which help reduce pests, were placed to protect the crop. 140 native trees were planted. Leveraging insect, wild plant and other species helps recover and protect the soil.

The Programme also provides farmers with expertise in agronomy, market access, research and financing. Trials on experimental fields, trainings and exchanges with other farmers help Italian rice farmers South West of Milan increase yields and preserve the specific environmental conditions that quality rice demands.

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