
Sugar reduction in soy and plant-based drinks

Published: 03/02/2015

Fully aware of the need to contribute to the fight against obesity and associated diseases and to help consumers switch to healthy options, members of the European Natural Soy And Plant-Based Foods Manufacturers Association (ENSA) are committed to provide consumers with healthy plant-based foods and beverages. That is why over the last decade, ENSA members have been working intensively to offer consumers a more diverse range of products including unsweetened versions.

Soy-based foods are nutrient-dense products and sources of high-quality protein, that represent a nutritionally equivalent alternative to dairy products for people who choose not to consume animal-based foods for various reasons. Other plant-based foods and beverages (made from nuts, seeds and cereals) are also a source of important nutrients, such as calcium, vitamins B2 and D, and fibres, although they have a lower protein content than soy foods.

Plain soy and plant-based drinks manufactured by ENSA members are generally low in sugars. However, ENSA members – composed of Alpro, Triballat, Nutriton&Nature, Valsoia and Liquats Vegetals – have decided to commit to further reducing the amount of total sugars in their overall portfolio of soy and plant-based drinks by 5% between 2015 and 2020.

The reduction will be measured by the Secretariat of the Association on an annual basis. The Secretariat will report on the overall progress achieved by the Association.

Read more about ENSA’s commitment here.

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