
FoodDrinkEurope goes carbon-neutral

Published: 09/11/2021

(Brussels, 9 November 2021) As global leaders continue to negotiate a low carbon future at COP26, FoodDrinkEurope has announced that its Brussels offices have been awarded carbon neutral status today.

FoodDrinkEurope Director General Mella Frewen said it was the next step in a long line of industry actions to tackle the climate emergency.

“EU ambitions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 will require strong and transformative leadership from all of us. I hope this small action, achieving carbon neutrality at our offices, will encourage others to realise that each and every one of us can – and should – do our bit.

“On a larger scale, we are also working to help decarbonise the entire European food and drink industry. In July we published a roadmap, developed by Ricardo Energy & Environment on behalf of FoodDrinkEurope, which assesses the climate impact of the food and drink manufacturing sector in Europe, and sets out some of the available pathways for decarbonisation to net-zero by 2050.”

She said many food and drink companies have made further ambitious carbon-neutral commitments.

FoodDrinkEurope has worked with carbon reduction experts CO2 Logic to obtain its carbon neutral status. The official carbon neutral label has been validated by independent certifiers Vinçotte.

“While we know our efforts to decarbonise the FoodDrinkEurope offices are only a drop in the ocean, it is also clear that real impact will come only when all drops merge to form rivers of positive and lasting change,” concluded Ms Frewen.