
FoodDrinkEurope position: building resilience and sustainability for Europe’s food and drink systems

Published: 29/09/2022

The food and drink industries of the European Union would like to underline their unwavering support for the swift implementation of the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy agenda in the current volatile times.

While many food and drink companies are confronted with challenges today resulting from an amalgamation of external shocks, such as the Covid pandemic, Russian invasion of Ukraine, inflation, labour shortages and more, immediate crisis and emergency measures are justified to uphold the production capacity and economic viability of the agri-food sector.

At the same time, the need to accelerate public and private action, investment and collaboration has never been so great to ensure that citizens in Europe and the rest of the world can rely on a guaranteed access to food – today and into the future.

Securing global food security for future generations requires food systems to transform, uniting the concepts of food security, productivity and sustainability.