EFBW, the forerunner organisation of Natural Mineral Waters Europe, and its members promote the benefits of hydration and the need to drink an adequate amount of water, irrespective of origin.
Available data suggests that Europeans are not meeting the EU recommendations for adequate daily water intake. Two major steps were taken in recent years with the adoption of EFSA’s Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for Water in 2012 and the authorisation of specific health claims for water by the Commission in 2012.
EFBW launched initiatives to inform relevant stakeholders on EFSA’s recommendations and to explain the science supporting the health claims allowed for water and hydration. The main objective is to encourage national authorities to translate EFSA’s Guidelines into national nutritional recommendations for water, as part of an overall effort to promote hydration and healthy lifestyles.
Dissemination of information by EFBW and national associations (through meetings with authorities and stakeholders, posting on websites, leading hydration campaigns etc.), helped increase awareness at the national level.